Burn Ecocide
for: Pixelache Helsinki Festival | date: 2021 | service: animation | concept, design & animation: Anna Mu | exhibited at Oodi Library 6.–13.6. 2021
“Ecocide is human activity that violates the principles of environmental justice, as by substantially damaging or destroying ecosystems or by harming the health and well-being of a species.” The artwork talks about the high sea's ice melting due to global warming and its impact. The ice is the home of ice algae, the main food source of Antarctic krill. Antarctic krill, in its turn, is the main food source for the Humpback whales. Whales fertilise phytoplankton growth by bringing nutrients to the ocean surface. Phytoplankton are responsible for capturing 40 percent of all CO2 produced and are responsible for at least 50 percent of all oxygen on earth. The whole delicate balance is disturbed, and it's time to recognise that healthy ecosystems are vital for healthy humankind.